Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#4- Do a Novena

My mother is probably one of the most religious people I know, also one of the most caring. I remember every morning on the way to school we would have a prayer. When it came to praying for the sick or those who had passed, my mom would start listing everyone, even if they had passed on years and years before. She had a list of at least 20-25 people that she would pray for everyday.

It wasn't uncommon to go into my mom's room to say goodnight and see her kneeling next to her bed, a prayer book in hand, praying a novena. My whole life I have never actually prayed one myself. So I put this one on the list for my mom, the most amazing woman in the world.

I just found out today that one of my dear friends, and one of the only other girl political operatives in Fairfax last year, is in the hospital. Kiley and I met a little over a year ago and she has become one of my best friends. She has such a love for life and strives to be the best person she can be, personally and professionally. She will be in the hospital for a few days and I think that this would be a perfect time to start my novena with her getting better as my novena intention.

Here is a picture of my beautiful little Kiley and I at the 2010 Advance (a little tired from the night before :))

I started to research how to pray novenas and one of the things the website suggested was asking other people to prayer the novena with you. Anyone who would like to pray this novena with me, here is the link... Novena to Saint Augustine I decided to pray to St. Augustine, where I am living right now. Everyday, for the next 9 days, I will be praying my Novena for Kiley's health! Tomorrow, Thursday, will be the first day.

For more information on novenas, here is a good website to check out! Novenas

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