Friday, October 29, 2010

#1- Run a 5k and raise money for a good cause

When I started to make my list, the first thing that came to my mind was running a 5k and raising money for a good cause. It is something that I knew would challenge me, both physically and mentally where not only was I running a 5k, but I was also setting a monetary goal that I had to reach.
I chose to run the 5k Race for the Cure in Jacksonville this past Saturday. I set a goal of $1,000 and thanks to everyone who sponsored me, we exceeded the goal to $1,065.

The night before the race, I made a tee shirt to wear! Here’s a picture of it:

And the back:
On the back of the tee shirt is Victoria's name, who I was running in celebration of and all of the people who sponsored me. (Thanks again to everyone who helped with this!)

I woke up at 6:30AM and drove to Jacksonville. I got there and was shocked by the number of people. I always knew that Race for the Cure was popular but there were thousands of people there. I was a little lost but asked around to see where I got my race bib and registered.
After I registered, I walked around the check everything out. There were booths everywhere, different groups going around giving things away, sororities volunteering and pink. Pink everywhere. At about 8:30AM we all went up front for an aerobics exercise to get warmed up. I felt incredibly stupid and as I looked around people were laughing, having a great time, happy.
After our aerobics exercise, we headed over to the start line, sang the national anthem and almost exactly at 9AM, we were off.

I am not a very physical person, and finished at a modest 33:29, but this race was so much more than that. I looked around me to see mothers walking with their children, best friends holding hands, a daughter pushing her mother in a wheel chair. It was quite emotional for me, but the reason it was emotional was not because this was sad, but because I was surrounded by strong women, survivors, who fought against such a deadly disease.

These women had been through such a traumatic time, some still going through it, yet they were out here participating in a 5k for a cause that was so near and dear to their hearts. I was taken aback by how much this struck a nerve with me. It was extremely moving.

I had an amazing time at the Race for the Cure. It was very well put together and went smoothly. The only thing I regret doing was going alone. I plan on doing this race again and hopefully some of ya’ll will come with me! This experience has topped my list so far and will be one of the most memorable at the end of this journey.

Here are some more pictures from the day:

These ladies were all best friends AND survivors :) They called themselves the Pink Queens. Amazing meeting them.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Poll Results

Alright! Thanks to everyone who voted... my new #64 is Ride a Hot Air Balloon! Added it onto the official list and starting to look into completing it.

I will have to blog post for the Race for the Cure in a few days. School has been hectic!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Email from Grandma Rainbow

I would like to share with ya'll an email I received earlier from my Grandma Rainbow. She tried posting it in the comments but unfortunately it was down. I hope you all get as big of a kick out of her message as I did....

'Dearest Kerry,

With tongue in cheek, I had to let you know that those Thrift Shop shoes you found are for OLD LADIES to wear for comfort around the house. How do I know what OLD LADIES wear? Because "I" am an OLD LADY and I wouldn't be caught outside the house with those on. OK, so my ego still needs tweaking and those shoes just aren't vavoomy enough for me.

So, wear at your own risk and keep me in mind that I warned you that when old men begin thinking your shoes are CUTE! You shouldn't be surprised.

The chain necklace and purse are just fine with me!! (like you need my approval, heh?)

Love you loads,

Grandma Rainbow'

... I don't even know what to say except that I'm pretty sure my Grandma just told me off. Rough life.

Regardless... Love you Grandma!

Sign Up for the BIG Project's Email List!

You can now sign up for the BIG Project's email list!

If you put your email down, I will send out emails when one of the items gets crossed off the list.

You can sign up at the top right tool bar! Or you can just click here

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#62- Buy a complete outfit at the Salvation Army and wear it out

I haven't completed this task yet, but I did make my first trip to the Good Will today. It is, in one word, chaotic. There was SO much there! From clothes to shoes to toys to furniture. After searching around for 1/2 hour, I knew this one was going to take more than one visit.

While I didn't find any actual clothes, I did find a cute little purse, a necklace and shoes. Now I know what you're thinking. Used shoes?? EW! but I was lucky enough to find shoes that actually still had the tag on them. Is this cheating? I hope not, but I'm taking it.

I will probably head back early next week to try an find an outfit. I'll keep ya'll updated!

#4- Do a Novena

My mother is probably one of the most religious people I know, also one of the most caring. I remember every morning on the way to school we would have a prayer. When it came to praying for the sick or those who had passed, my mom would start listing everyone, even if they had passed on years and years before. She had a list of at least 20-25 people that she would pray for everyday.

It wasn't uncommon to go into my mom's room to say goodnight and see her kneeling next to her bed, a prayer book in hand, praying a novena. My whole life I have never actually prayed one myself. So I put this one on the list for my mom, the most amazing woman in the world.

I just found out today that one of my dear friends, and one of the only other girl political operatives in Fairfax last year, is in the hospital. Kiley and I met a little over a year ago and she has become one of my best friends. She has such a love for life and strives to be the best person she can be, personally and professionally. She will be in the hospital for a few days and I think that this would be a perfect time to start my novena with her getting better as my novena intention.

Here is a picture of my beautiful little Kiley and I at the 2010 Advance (a little tired from the night before :))

I started to research how to pray novenas and one of the things the website suggested was asking other people to prayer the novena with you. Anyone who would like to pray this novena with me, here is the link... Novena to Saint Augustine I decided to pray to St. Augustine, where I am living right now. Everyday, for the next 9 days, I will be praying my Novena for Kiley's health! Tomorrow, Thursday, will be the first day.

For more information on novenas, here is a good website to check out! Novenas

Monday, October 18, 2010

I need your help!

I have been informed that interfering with the sea turtles in any way is illegal. Therefore I cannot help push them back into the ocean after laying their eggs :(

BUT I need your help trying to replace #64! Look in the right toolbar to see the poll of options ya'll can choose from! I want you guys to choose this one... so choose wisely :)

I'll leave the poll up until next Monday and will let ya'll know the results on Tuesday morning! You're the best!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

#29- Write a thank you note to a company for a great product

I didn't know which company or product I was going to write to until the other day my friend mentioned how the shoes I was wearing was one of the best purchases I ever made because I literally wear them everyday.

After she made this comment, I realized how much I did love these shoes and the company should really know how much use/love I have gotta from these simple sandals.

First I will show you all the shoes (plus you can see the crazy print of our couch behind):

As you can see, these have had their day, yet I continue to wear them... all the time. So I wrote this letter to Steve Madden:
October 17, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

About two years ago, I purchased eight pairs of your Sannibel sandals (four for me and four for my mom). They were the older style, I think a little different than the ones you sell now, but I would like to tell you that this was by far the best purchase I have ever made. Ok, I might be a little dramatic by saying that, but it’s up there. Not only do I STILL wear these sandals, but I wear them on a daily basis.

Though falling apart, I love these sandals and I want to thank you for making such a solid and stylish product. I have attached a picture so you can see the love I have put into these things.

You rock, Steve Madden!

Thanks again for the footwear,
Kerry O’Brien
A Very Happy Customer

We shall see if I get a reponse :) Regardless, they have gotten credit for making a solid product. If ya'll want to purchase some of these awesome sandals, here is the link below... PLUS! They are on sale! WIN!

Sannibel Sandals

Saturday, October 16, 2010

#21- Grow a Plant from a seed

Well on this lovely Saturday I decided to try out my 'green thumb', or at least start the process. I ran out to Target to get my supplies and planted a Amaryllis Minerva bulb.

After planting the bulb into the dirt, this is the start :)

This lovely flower will hopefully grow to look like this:

Should take about 8-12 weeks for the end product. I will keep you all updated!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Sincere Apology

I’ve neglected you! My poor blog. Things have gotten a little crazy and I’m really starting to feel those 7 classes. But no more! I promise to be more diligent about my blogging and conquering of my BIG list! Plus, for you Cosmo readers, my horoscope in this month’s Cosmo said, “The solitary Sun inspires a solo trip near the 7th. Exploring on your own sets off a confidence rush. Use it to tackle a new goal, like starting a blog or doing a 5k run.”

Now if that isn’t bizarre, I don’t know what is. Not only should I be focusing on the blog, but I am also running the 5k at the end of the month (whoop whoop #1-Run a 5k for a good cause and raise money!) I think someone is trying to tell me I need to multitask better 