Sunday, July 11, 2010

#49- Go to a Movie Alone

First thing on the list. Now I would like to say that I planned this one ahead but in all reality my plans were cancelled on Friday night (Adam Zubowsky... yes. called out.), so I decided to try out something on the list. #49- Go see a movie alone.

Now this was probably one of the first things on my list when I started to think of things. I read somewhere that one of the biggest confidence builders is being able to go to dinner or a movie by yourself. You have to rely on yourself for entertainment, thought, etc. I also knew this would be something that would be somewhat difficult for me. I tend to rely on my phone whenever I happen to end up alone... just to keep myself distracted.

SO to this one I added that I could not use my phone (text, twitter, call, ANYTHING) the whole time I was in the movie theater. I walked up to the ticket man, asked for one ticket to Despicable Me (3D) and waited for him to say, "Just one?" with a puzzled look. Didn't happen. I asked for one ticket, he took my cash and gave me my ticket and that was it. Hm. I guess it isn't as rare as I thought.

After getting my popcorn and drink combo (Twilight cup with Bella on it... YES!) I headed into the theater. Now I can honestly say that one of the best parts of the experience was not worrying about choosing a seat, who sat where, etc. I went to where I wanted to sit and I... sat.

I put my 3D glasses on and enjoyed. It was a great movie (I recommend you all see it) and to tell you the truth I cried a little but no one was there to make fun of me :)

This was a good one to start off with. An icebreaker. and if you haven't seen a movie by yourself, go do it!

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