Sunday, July 11, 2010

#49- Go to a Movie Alone

First thing on the list. Now I would like to say that I planned this one ahead but in all reality my plans were cancelled on Friday night (Adam Zubowsky... yes. called out.), so I decided to try out something on the list. #49- Go see a movie alone.

Now this was probably one of the first things on my list when I started to think of things. I read somewhere that one of the biggest confidence builders is being able to go to dinner or a movie by yourself. You have to rely on yourself for entertainment, thought, etc. I also knew this would be something that would be somewhat difficult for me. I tend to rely on my phone whenever I happen to end up alone... just to keep myself distracted.

SO to this one I added that I could not use my phone (text, twitter, call, ANYTHING) the whole time I was in the movie theater. I walked up to the ticket man, asked for one ticket to Despicable Me (3D) and waited for him to say, "Just one?" with a puzzled look. Didn't happen. I asked for one ticket, he took my cash and gave me my ticket and that was it. Hm. I guess it isn't as rare as I thought.

After getting my popcorn and drink combo (Twilight cup with Bella on it... YES!) I headed into the theater. Now I can honestly say that one of the best parts of the experience was not worrying about choosing a seat, who sat where, etc. I went to where I wanted to sit and I... sat.

I put my 3D glasses on and enjoyed. It was a great movie (I recommend you all see it) and to tell you the truth I cried a little but no one was there to make fun of me :)

This was a good one to start off with. An icebreaker. and if you haven't seen a movie by yourself, go do it!

The BIG (Before I Graduate) Project

One more year of college and one year to complete the list below... I didn't realize how much I was missing during the first three years of college until I took a year off for my internship at the Fairfax County Republican Committee.

I have learned a lot this past year but probably the one thing that will stick for a long time is to not take advantage of time.

I am going to try my best to complete this list by August 1, 2011 and document it all as I go along :) Hopefully this should be fun...

Here's what it is so far:

1. Run a 5k and raise money for a cause (October 23rd in Jacksonville, FL, to sponsor me go )
2. Volunteer at the Humane Society
3. Eat a whole UFO at the Taco Shop on St. George Street
4. Do a Novena
5. Visit the alligator farm
6. Bake cookies for my neighbors
7. Take a ballroom dancing class
8. Go to South of the Border and take a picture in a sombrero
9. Help 10 people register to vote
10. Sing karaoke... alone
11. Become a vegetarian for a week
12. Buy a Powerball Lottery ticket
13. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
14. Send a message in a bottle
15. Ask a stranger on a date
16. Write apologies to 3 people and mail them
17. Throw a wine and cheese party
18. Take a surfing lesson
19. Write Birthday cards to Facebook friends on one random day and mail them
20. Paint a picture
21. Grow a plant from a seed
22. Go to a Bingo night
23. Win big in Vegas
24. Donate blood
25. Give to a charity
26. Try to find my birthmother
27. Go to a drive in movie
28. Purchase a Star Registry
29. Write a thank you note to a company for a great product
30. Skydive
31. Horseback ride on the beach
32. Go deep sea fishing
33. Take a yoga class
34. Bake a cake for someone random
35. Give $20 to a stranger
36. Go to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios
37. Have a 24 hour movie marathon
38. Learn to play a guitar song all the way through
39. Send a package over to the troops overseas
40. Be in a wedding
41. Go to a broadway show
42. Go sailing
43. Take a photography class
44. Go to a psychic
45. Write a letter to the editor about something I'm passionate about
46. Raft down a river
47. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
48. Buy someones food behind me in a drive thru
49. Go to a movie alone
50. Invest in the stock market
51. Help out at Big Brother/Big Sister
52. Donate clothes to the Salvation Army
53. Go on a ghost tour
54. Do a pub crawl
55. Air boat ride on the Everglades
56. Hike a Mountain
57. Do a ride along with a police officer
58. Knit a scarf
59. Take a armed weapons course
60. Be in a newspaper
61. See OAR in concert
62. Buy a complete outfit at the Salvation Army and wear it out that night
63. Go see Congress in session
64. Ride in a hot air balloon
65. Be a member of the audience at a TV show
66. Write my own will
67. Turn my cell phone off for a week
68. Learn to change a flat tire
69. Go to a Nationals game
70. Go to the Daytona 500 (Feb 20th, 2011)
71. Take a cooking class
72. Learn to drive stick shift
73. Phone bank for a candidate in Florida
74. Paint my own pottery
75. Have a picnic by the Old Fort in Saint Augustine