I'm coming back to this list because I need it. You never know what life is going to throw your way, the past year and a half has been a whirlwind of adventures. I fell in love, travelled, got to experience my friends and family going through an array of life events, including some of my own.
This year I have loved, lost and lived. While I'm ready for 2013 to be over, I want to end it out strong. What better time to start than now.
I have to catch up on a few posts and finish this list out. I'm excited to finish my Before I Graduate list (ok I'm a little late), and start on to the next one, whatever that may be!
Here's to catching up!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friday, July 20, 2012
#50- Invest in the stock market
Talk about going into a hiatus. No posts since December... ouch. I have to finish this, even if it takes me 15 more years... just kidding. It won't, but I gotta do it.
So the stock market has always been something I've been interested in.
My worst class in college, by far, was Financial Management. It looked at ROR, ROI and all that other stuff that deals directly with stocks. (I could be making up those acronyms but I think they mean something.)
I received my tax return in April and proceeded to use that money to invest in the stock market. With no idea what I was doing, I sought a little advice from some friends and bought. I bought three different stocks and for the next month or two after, I was obsessive. I would check it everyday, sometimes multiple times a day.
Well a few months has passed and I am down. I am still hopeful that something will turn around, but apparently my first knack at the Stock Market has pretty much been a flop. Do I venture to try again, or accept my losses and bow out? Any stock tips would be appreciated, though :)
My worst class in college, by far, was Financial Management. It looked at ROR, ROI and all that other stuff that deals directly with stocks. (I could be making up those acronyms but I think they mean something.)
I received my tax return in April and proceeded to use that money to invest in the stock market. With no idea what I was doing, I sought a little advice from some friends and bought. I bought three different stocks and for the next month or two after, I was obsessive. I would check it everyday, sometimes multiple times a day.
Well a few months has passed and I am down. I am still hopeful that something will turn around, but apparently my first knack at the Stock Market has pretty much been a flop. Do I venture to try again, or accept my losses and bow out? Any stock tips would be appreciated, though :)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
#30- Go Skydiving
Hands down. Favorite thing I have crossed off yet.
I have been deathly afraid of the idea of skydiving for, well, forever. I would always try to rouse up a few friends to go with me, we'd talk about it and it would always slip through the cracks. Subconsciously avoiding it? Maybe. But it came to a point where I had to do it.
I finally got my friend David to commit to going with me before I left to move back to Virginia. I found a place in Jacksonville, FL that proudly stated that they led the highest jump in North America. Great.
So the day came where we were actually going to do this. We headed up for our appointment at 1PM and got there a few minutes late at 1:05PM. The guy came running out to our car telling us that we had to go now otherwise we would have to cancel due to a storm that was coming our way. Wait, what? Was he serious?
He rushed us inside and told us not to read anything and just sign. We skimmed over the forms, signed our lives away (literally) and they started strapping us into our gear.
Now I know that it sounds horrible that I barely read the forms, was getting into gear I knew nothing about and was about to board a plane and jump out of it with a guy I may have said 3 words to, but in the circumstance it was probably the best way it could've happened for me. I had no time to think about it and no time to back out. I did tell David that if I died to let them know I signed under duress :).
We walked out and saw probably one of the smallest, sketchiest planes I had ever seen and they hurried us along. We got in, the plane had no side and was completely open. We took off and I started to panic.
It took about 30 minutes to get up to our height, about 17,000 feet. Every time I thought we were about to jump, they told me we still had to go higher. The pilot then quickly turned around, told us it was time to jump and the guy started scooting me towards the edge. Hold on, I wasn't ready!

Too bad. All of a sudden my legs were hanging off the side of a plane, 17,000 feet off the ground and I was about to jump. And that was it.

Before I knew it, I was free falling through the sky and I cannot even begin to describe the feeling. At first I had to get my bearings and was desperate to as I did not want to miss a second of this feeling.

My heart felt like it was about to explode, my body felt completely helpless and my face hurt from smiling so big. An involuntary scream came out of my the moment I left the plane and continued for the majority of the time I was free falling.
He pulled the shoot and we started to glide. It was absolutely peaceful. I regained normalcy in my breathing, looked around as I could see all of Jacksonville, or at least it felt like it, and I had the most overwhelming feeling of happiness.

(Sorry for the boob shot. The harness pull up in a way I was not expecting :))
I was lucky to have a smooth landing where I was actually able to stand up right on the ground. My first thought when I got back down was I wanted to go again. Right then and there. I met David and he was just as ecstatic and I was.

The adrenaline was incredible and I cannot remember another time in my life where I felt so alive.
This was absolutely exhilarating and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Anyone want to go skydiving? I'm your girl!
I have been deathly afraid of the idea of skydiving for, well, forever. I would always try to rouse up a few friends to go with me, we'd talk about it and it would always slip through the cracks. Subconsciously avoiding it? Maybe. But it came to a point where I had to do it.
I finally got my friend David to commit to going with me before I left to move back to Virginia. I found a place in Jacksonville, FL that proudly stated that they led the highest jump in North America. Great.
So the day came where we were actually going to do this. We headed up for our appointment at 1PM and got there a few minutes late at 1:05PM. The guy came running out to our car telling us that we had to go now otherwise we would have to cancel due to a storm that was coming our way. Wait, what? Was he serious?
He rushed us inside and told us not to read anything and just sign. We skimmed over the forms, signed our lives away (literally) and they started strapping us into our gear.
Now I know that it sounds horrible that I barely read the forms, was getting into gear I knew nothing about and was about to board a plane and jump out of it with a guy I may have said 3 words to, but in the circumstance it was probably the best way it could've happened for me. I had no time to think about it and no time to back out. I did tell David that if I died to let them know I signed under duress :).
We walked out and saw probably one of the smallest, sketchiest planes I had ever seen and they hurried us along. We got in, the plane had no side and was completely open. We took off and I started to panic.
It took about 30 minutes to get up to our height, about 17,000 feet. Every time I thought we were about to jump, they told me we still had to go higher. The pilot then quickly turned around, told us it was time to jump and the guy started scooting me towards the edge. Hold on, I wasn't ready!

Too bad. All of a sudden my legs were hanging off the side of a plane, 17,000 feet off the ground and I was about to jump. And that was it.

Before I knew it, I was free falling through the sky and I cannot even begin to describe the feeling. At first I had to get my bearings and was desperate to as I did not want to miss a second of this feeling.

My heart felt like it was about to explode, my body felt completely helpless and my face hurt from smiling so big. An involuntary scream came out of my the moment I left the plane and continued for the majority of the time I was free falling.
He pulled the shoot and we started to glide. It was absolutely peaceful. I regained normalcy in my breathing, looked around as I could see all of Jacksonville, or at least it felt like it, and I had the most overwhelming feeling of happiness.

(Sorry for the boob shot. The harness pull up in a way I was not expecting :))
I was lucky to have a smooth landing where I was actually able to stand up right on the ground. My first thought when I got back down was I wanted to go again. Right then and there. I met David and he was just as ecstatic and I was.

The adrenaline was incredible and I cannot remember another time in my life where I felt so alive.
This was absolutely exhilarating and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Anyone want to go skydiving? I'm your girl!
The Before I Grow-up Project
Last time I posted was in July. So much has changed in the past 6 months and if you didn't know any better, you might have thought I died after my last post that said I was going skydiving!
Alive and well, I moved back to Virginia and am working for the Chairman in Prince William County, Virginia! Life is beautiful and now that I have settled (to a certain extent) here, I want to pick up where I left off.
Now, I didn't make my goal of 75 things within my year time frame. I think I thought that I could take on more than I realistically could, but everything on this list is something I want to do so I'm going to continue it as the 'Before I Grow-up Project' (still the BIG Project :))
And even though I haven't been posting, I have gotten a few crossed off... so stay tuned!
Alive and well, I moved back to Virginia and am working for the Chairman in Prince William County, Virginia! Life is beautiful and now that I have settled (to a certain extent) here, I want to pick up where I left off.
Now, I didn't make my goal of 75 things within my year time frame. I think I thought that I could take on more than I realistically could, but everything on this list is something I want to do so I'm going to continue it as the 'Before I Grow-up Project' (still the BIG Project :))
And even though I haven't been posting, I have gotten a few crossed off... so stay tuned!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
#66- Write my own will
I recently fractured my wrist and while waiting in the ER for my turn to see the doctor,they started to ask me questions including if I had a living will. It shocked me, first of all, that they were asking this when it was only my wrist that was injured and also that people actually have living wills.
I have to admit that I don't have much to leave, but I have written out the big things and left them to people who I think will appreciate them the most. When I was researching living wills, I was surprised to see that the majority of the will is based on medical care and procedure. I know that whenever I think about wills, I think of what you would leave people.
They asked questions such as if I would like to donate my organs, and to what cause I would like to donate them to. Though I am not going to share my will on here, as it is personal, it was interesting to see the process and, God forbid there be any accident, I am covered. I am sky diving tomorrow after all!
I have to admit that I don't have much to leave, but I have written out the big things and left them to people who I think will appreciate them the most. When I was researching living wills, I was surprised to see that the majority of the will is based on medical care and procedure. I know that whenever I think about wills, I think of what you would leave people.
They asked questions such as if I would like to donate my organs, and to what cause I would like to donate them to. Though I am not going to share my will on here, as it is personal, it was interesting to see the process and, God forbid there be any accident, I am covered. I am sky diving tomorrow after all!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
#36- Go to Harry Potter World
When I found out that Universal Studios in Orlando was opening a Harry Potter World, I freaked. I joined their mailing list, getting constant updates on the progress of building, their opening and specials. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and was one of those kids that read the whole book through in the matter of a day without putting it down for a second.
My friend Jessica suggested doing a Universal Studios Day and I was finally going to get my shot to see this enchanting world that I have been dying to see since before it even opened. So Jess, along with Nick and Nicholas, headed to Orlando for a day of Wizarding World magic.
I cannot tell you the amount of excitement I had as we approached. It was everything I could've hoped it would be. Just seeing all of the details put into it and how accurate it was to the way I pictured it was amazing. I asked one of the workers if the castle was true to size and she laughed at me, but it seemed so real in my head.

We stood in line for the Forbidden Journey of Harry Potter for over an hour and a half and I was praying that it would be worth it. It was SO worth it. It was a roller coaster combined with a digital stimulator. It was amazing. I wanted to go again but the line was just way too long.
After the ride we headed down to Hogsmeade. We bought some butterbeer and it was delicious. You could only have a few sips though as it was very sweet. I went into Honey Duke's candy shop and bought a chocolate frog AND Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans.

We proceeded to try the different flavored jelly beans which consisted of flavors such as cinnamon, cherry and lemon but also included some disgusting flavors such as dirt, soap and the worst, rotten egg.
We enjoyed the rest of the day throughout the park but Harry Potter World was the highlight for me! Like a kid in a candy shop... literally :)

Another highlight of the day was when I got iced in the middle of the park by my dear friend, Nick. I struggled through the chug, but don't worry, I got him back later that night in the middle of Margaritaville :)
My friend Jessica suggested doing a Universal Studios Day and I was finally going to get my shot to see this enchanting world that I have been dying to see since before it even opened. So Jess, along with Nick and Nicholas, headed to Orlando for a day of Wizarding World magic.
I cannot tell you the amount of excitement I had as we approached. It was everything I could've hoped it would be. Just seeing all of the details put into it and how accurate it was to the way I pictured it was amazing. I asked one of the workers if the castle was true to size and she laughed at me, but it seemed so real in my head.

We stood in line for the Forbidden Journey of Harry Potter for over an hour and a half and I was praying that it would be worth it. It was SO worth it. It was a roller coaster combined with a digital stimulator. It was amazing. I wanted to go again but the line was just way too long.
After the ride we headed down to Hogsmeade. We bought some butterbeer and it was delicious. You could only have a few sips though as it was very sweet. I went into Honey Duke's candy shop and bought a chocolate frog AND Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans.

We proceeded to try the different flavored jelly beans which consisted of flavors such as cinnamon, cherry and lemon but also included some disgusting flavors such as dirt, soap and the worst, rotten egg.
We enjoyed the rest of the day throughout the park but Harry Potter World was the highlight for me! Like a kid in a candy shop... literally :)

Another highlight of the day was when I got iced in the middle of the park by my dear friend, Nick. I struggled through the chug, but don't worry, I got him back later that night in the middle of Margaritaville :)

#54- Do a Pub Crawl
When people think pub crawl, they think of something organized, but when my best friend Holly and her boyfriend Brett came into town, we took things into our own hands.
While enjoying a lovely dinner at Sunset Grill down by Cresent Beach, Holly and I decided that tonight would be the night for our pub crawl. We decided, like every pub crawl, we needed some rules...
1) You must have at least one drink at every bar we go to
2) We have to find at least one pirate and take a picture with them
3) We must find at least one recruit to bring along with us
4) We must play Photohunt at every bar that has it and get a high score
5) We must take a picture at every bar. No man left behind.
Now out of all these five rules, we were able to keep 4 of them. Unfortunately we got a little too distracted to play Photohunt at all of the bars but did get the high scores at the first!
Here is the list of the bars we hit:
Sunset Grill
JP Henley's

A1A Aleworks

White Lion PIRATES!

No Name Bar

Mill Top Tavern


Scarlett O'Hara's

By the end of the night, we had made a few friends and had a few too many drinks. We toured most of the bars of downtown St. Augustine. Though my mother would probably not approve of the amount of alcohol consumed throughout the night, we had a blast. And this is one of the reasons I am in love with Saint Augustine. Another successful night :)
While enjoying a lovely dinner at Sunset Grill down by Cresent Beach, Holly and I decided that tonight would be the night for our pub crawl. We decided, like every pub crawl, we needed some rules...
1) You must have at least one drink at every bar we go to
2) We have to find at least one pirate and take a picture with them
3) We must find at least one recruit to bring along with us
4) We must play Photohunt at every bar that has it and get a high score
5) We must take a picture at every bar. No man left behind.
Now out of all these five rules, we were able to keep 4 of them. Unfortunately we got a little too distracted to play Photohunt at all of the bars but did get the high scores at the first!
Here is the list of the bars we hit:
Sunset Grill
JP Henley's
A1A Aleworks
White Lion PIRATES!
No Name Bar
Mill Top Tavern

Scarlett O'Hara's
By the end of the night, we had made a few friends and had a few too many drinks. We toured most of the bars of downtown St. Augustine. Though my mother would probably not approve of the amount of alcohol consumed throughout the night, we had a blast. And this is one of the reasons I am in love with Saint Augustine. Another successful night :)
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